Tuesday, March 30, 2010


chengbeng season is back, and I rushed back home, importantly, for dad, the first time, on his first year of passing away. Done that, felt great, although most people (friends, relatives, etc etc felt surprise that I flew back specially for this chengbeng,....) but whatever it is, if I can manage it, I would do this, no question about that.
For the whole 2-3 days, I went for my eldest uncle's and aunty-at Berapit memorial park, on Saturday morning. Then, the following day to Dad's. Yesterday morning to Grandma's and Grandad's, but pity that I could not find the time to visit great grandparents' in Kubang Semang. But anyhow, I felt good about being able to find the time for this, despite very tight schedule and lack of sleep on my side. I think the meaning of paying respect during these time are more important than anything else, such as food offerings, etc etc. I think the prayers, and doing this from the bottom of your heart are more important than anything else. And you feel so good after that.
OK for now, and soon, I will be back for Dad's first anniversary of his passing away. Time passes real fast, and whenever we go back to our home in BM, we still miss dad a lot............hard to describe and explain here. On and off, you still have those soft spots with tear drops flowing freely from your eyes. But anyhow, life goes on, memories go on................

Choong, Hongkong

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