Monday, January 8, 2018

Puisi Untuk Lombok

Akulah sawah, akulah bendang
Akulah padi, akulah beras,
Dan akulah nasi yang mengenyangkan setiap insan,
Di bumi Lombok yang bertuah ini......
Aku hijau sepanjang tahun,
Memberi manfaat kepada semua adalah tugas ku,
Kurniaan dan ciptaan Tuhan,
Ku akan terus berusaha 
Perkongsikan rezeki alam ni,
Selagi sang suria sahabatku, 
Melawati Ku setiap hari,
Selagi mata air mengalir, 
tidak kekeringan,
Selagi tanah merapi terus subur,
Si Agung dan Si Rinjani,
tidak mengganas,bejerebu,
Dan selagi anak2 di bumi Lombok ni terus perihatin
Kpd ku and zuriatku....
Maka aku akan terus menghijaukan, membuahkan, dan terus mengisi,
Setiap insan dibumi Lombok ini,
Yang Ku Cintai

The Glamorous J
Mataram, Lombok
8 Jan 2018

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Borak-Borak: While waiting for my departure...................(I hope people really read this)

In this internet-age era, and especially after coming back from China where everything is almost (everything on your everyday life) internet-related, I find that people here, that's right, we Malaysians, are still very skeptical about internet-based usage.
To be very specific, I just want to touch on people doing their biz/marketing via internet, be it via their website, Facebook, Instagram, whatsapp, wechat and what have you, the general response from average people is that, why is he/she doing this, why must he or she sell through this platform, and many kind of negative comments in their minds (heads), as though people doing this are of lower status or "begging". I just want to tell these people, change your mindset, and get things in the right perspective, and if you think in this manner, you are behind time, and I really feel sorry for you.

If you do not like this, you can choose to leave or unfriend and blocked this person, simple as that, but stop pretending that you are higher status or more glamour than the other party, or you are richer and they are kind of "poorer" kind of thinking. It is just a matter of using the technology to the fullest, and based on demand and supply situation, hence stop your "bitching attitude".

There is nothing wrong for a housewife, or house-manager to earn additional income via this platform, it is very entrepreneurial. It shows versatility and capability.
There is nothing wrong for a person to promote his/her services via these various platforms, it is just he or she is smarter than you, to use these platforms.
There is nothing "lowly" of the person promoting any kind of products or services via these platforms, he or she is sharing knowledge and information with you. And today you might think it is rubbish, tomorrow you might beg for the information, hence just don't "look down" on this.
There is nothing wrong to have a choice to choose between being an entrepreneur to taking up an employment, it is a choice and respect the choice that people made/have. 
You should be worried more when you do not have a choice and force yourself to work daily, 9-5 non-stop, complaining like hell, but pretending to be glamorous, showing a few photos of your so called good meals and vacations. Just respect choices people have in this world. Nothing is perfect but stop trying to make judgement on people, cause you do not fit to judge people, irrespective of who they are. 
Remember, when God does not judge, then who are you to make judgement.

Writing from my own experience, I think most people, even your closest friends, will shun your wall, because they think by liking means they are part of this "cheap" kind of program. You will see clearly who these people are and you will know who they are. Everyone has a choice including you, whether to like or not of what I am sharing, and I cannot help what you think, but just wish you are more receptive and open minded, in accepting changes that are taking place, and if one of your closest friends are doing this, if you are able to provide emotional support by all means, do so, otherwise, keep your mouth shut up and get lost. As I have written before, I do not need negative people to be around.
But I am grateful, for those who are supportive and able to understand, and surprisingly, most of them are new and strangers to me, and I am thankful and grateful for this. And most importantly, I am grateful, for having the luxury to decide the life I want and wish to have, and enjoying every moment of it. 

Penang Airport
4 Jan 2018
And it is holiday time