Tuesday, March 30, 2010

HK Airport

Oh dear dear, I woke up at 4 am this morning, and then at 4.30am, boil some water, made tea, pardon me, the tea is not for my consumption, it is for the prayers as today is the 15th, fool moon.
And after I made the tea, I think it is Taiwanese tea , then offering prayers, and then getting ready for Penang airport, leaving my beloved 'bungalow". Flight departed Penang sharp, on time, and arrive a bit early. And here I am, still in HK International airport, transiting, and I was informed a shortwhile ago, the aircraft from Beijing would be late for 30 minutes. Why is it that the planes, flight schedule, whenever it has to do with Beijing Airport, it is always delayed. It was delayed when I was flying out, for 30 minutes, and now, it is again delayed. And by the time I reached Beijing, it would be close to 15 hours since I woke up this morning, and by the time I reach my BJ apartment, it could be close to 16 hours. Imagine, Penang is so nearby, actually, direct flight could be only 6 hours I suppose. Oh Gosh, I am damn tired, but then again, that is life......

Choong, HK Airport

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