Friday, March 5, 2010

Comment For The Week

Marina Mahathir said she has been writing for The Star, for close to 20 years, and which means I have been following her Musings column for many years, and always eagerly waiting. But luckily now, I can read her writings in The Rantings, easily.
And I also like Azmi Sharom's column and also P.Gunasegaran's too.

But as I have been informed, or read in Marina's latest, her latest article will not be published, hence I do not know what else can we read from The Star nowadays. In the past, when I was still working in Malaysia, or back then, when I was a student, or a boy, I used to wait for my uncle to come back from office, so that I can 'browse' through the Star, as I think it is cool to read "The Star' (my English was not good enough or my vocab was not good enough to understand fully during that time). Then I remember, when my English has reached certain 'standard', The Star is a must reading, everyday, and when we, a group of friends were in KL for our further studies, The Star is a must too. And sometimes, it is not easy to get the Star in certain parts of KL during that time (Malay mail is more easily available, together with the NST). We said, the Penangites' paper.

And The Star now, I feel is very much different from The Star we used to know, or at least during my student says, and it looks more like a political paper, rather than the the motto it carries.
Anyway, not commenting much on this aspect, as I am not a politician as I said many times before. I have not bought The Star newspaper for quite a number of years, reading it online for some articles only, and the three authors mentioned above are a must. But if my favorite authors or writers are not in the paper anymore, I do not think I will go to visit its website, not to mention buying a copy of the paper itself.
The Star remains very sentimental, in many ways to me (another newspapers would be The Echo too), but that is how it is going to be, for now, not unless it changes or going back to its original motto (the people's paper).

And for now, it is;

Picture taken from Zorro's blog, without permission.

Read Marina's article here:


Choong, Beijing

1 comment:

Devil said...

According to MM she will publish her article in Nan Yang , but I haven't read it in recent days of Nanyang.

Mainstream newspapers have changed a lot comparing to the old days. People are turning into the web world. Malaysia has the greatest number of Bloggers in SEA ( may be in the whole Asia too). Don't know this is something we should be proud of or to be shame of ......