Friday, April 3, 2009

Finally Weekend and Happy Cheng Beng Day (清明节)

I know I am very tired, mentally physically, but I did not know look so horrible, until I went to a mall just now. And you know, in a big ball, with the mirrors all around and those strong spotlights on, gosh, I almost could not recognise myself. And I know I need rest and may be some good and healthy food! But what I need most is my sleep, and since the there is one extra holiday, then it will be a good chance to take a break of which I really need.
Talking about holiday, then we cannot forget about this qingming day, where back in Malaysia, we call it, cheng beng jit, in Hokkien lah... So, I just want offer my prayers to all my beloved ones, who are now in different world, especially my late Grandmother, wherever she is now, I always pray for her happiness. And also my late aunt (whom I always called mak), my late grandpa, ah pek, and all relatives who had left this world, may you all be happy always.......When you grow older, you tend to recall the time of your younger days, and I actually miss my life back then. So simple, peaceful, happy, and full of love, especially from my grandma, ah maaaaaaaaaaa (how I miss calling her this..................).
OK, back to present life now, like the saying goes, the show has to go on, until.......I do not know when.
OK, enough for now. And time to take my shower and have a good rest.....

Note : Flowers, specially dedicated to my late Ah Ma....... her favorite.

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