Saturday, December 12, 2009

What Happened To Us.....

Saturday morning, in Tokyo city, having a slightly more relaxing morning, thanks goodness, that today, I feel a little bit more like human being. Okay enough on this matter.

I was reading some articles, and also websites, and one of them is an article in Malaysia today and also from Rantings, by Marina Mahathir. I also watched the video posted,, Jangan biar 13 Mei Berulang, and, I cannot help but lol. I am not going to comment the content of that, because it is getting meaningless and too sensitive topic, and not of my intention to comment on this. But I cannot help when they pronounced, 1-malaysia (ONE Malaysia) as O-nay Malaysia?
Is this not ONE (satu, English word) and yet these group of people pronounced it as O-nay Malaysia? Something wrong with our English at schools? Or what are we talking about here.

And we work hard and very much dependent on our own, and I can say that based on myself, and friends that I know, like Devil, KA, Cheesoon, Christopher, and many more, working outside Malaysia to fend for ourselves, and to build our future too....We have many stories to share if someone were to interview us.

That is for now.

Choong, Tokyo

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