Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dear Dear Dear

Oh Gosh, I have been away, resting and catching with my sleep, otherwise, I would have collapsed.
And in between this resting period, I went for a short skiing experience in Harbin, more pictures will be shared later I promise, as I will be off for a short vacation, for a home-stay in Hualian, Taiwan and also, I hope and dream to visit a temple there.
But even during this short resting, I have been receiving many emails. My GM, Markus asked me to throw away my blackberry, but could that happen? I do not have the luxury to do that I guess because I am overseeing a department that needs active role participation every day. It is crazy but that is a fact. And during this period of time, I really cannot stand those mail from a colleague, Mr. George Bach. I think he might be too ignorant about the new mgt style and only care to do his job from his own perspective, German, conservative way. And that is sometimes amount to mental 'torturing' with the wordings he wrote (perhaps again, Germans are quite poor in expressing themselves in English). And I have told him off at the same time, and I have asked the big boss for a meeting in January. I hardly say work related issue in my blog site, and I want this to be documented here, because it is my personal blogsite, and one day, if I have a mental breakdown because of this, then it serves as a documented proof and perhaps, for in future, related court case:). This old man has to learn that Asians, especially like me, is not easy to be bullied!

More articles to continue.

Choong, Beijing

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