Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello From Darmsdat, Germany

Dear dear dear,

I am now in, as the title mentioned, in Germany, and very much exhausted due to the time difference. People get better with time, but I am reversing the trend, seems that my sleep is getting worse, from 6 hours to just merely 4 hours. 天啊,这么办那?觉得很累,又很无奈.人生就是这样的吗?还是我的人生和别人有一些差别吗?是我的选择吗?还是命中注定呢?很难回答, 也不想寻找答案.就这样吧.........:)

Will be going to Leverkuesen tonite, then after our meeting tomorrow, will be spending weekends in Munich, before flying to Milan. I am looking forward to the weekends in Munich, but not sure if i can shop around, as some programs have been lined up already.

And it has been snowing through out, meaning to say from the time I arrived until now, the whole city has been blanketed with white snow.

OK for now, have to get ready for another meeting before going over to Cologne.

Bye for now, and shall update accordingly.

Choong, Darmsdat, Germany.

1 comment:

Devil said...

Dear,dear,dear! Forget about Munich (especially during weekend). MILAN is the Mekkah for men fashion! Spend some money and then you will feel better...hahaha!