Monday, June 22, 2009

Funny Though

It seems like I can only write in office, I still cannot access my blogsite from home. Anyone can help out. You see, a writer will write whenever he or she wants it, and you cannot say, lets put it on hold there, and then write later, or some other days, but ideas cannot be postponed or the feeling and desire to write cannot be put on hold, you cannot say, eat your laksa 10 days later, ok? Drink your teh tarik next weekend, or postponed your trip to the washroom to a later hour, can you?

Over the weekend, it was cleaning the house, and getting things organised a bit, and staying in the house throughout. Just want to be in the house, after so much of travelling, except dinner with good soup from my HK friends. Very nice of them to offer that.
And then also a piece of bad news again, was informed by my family that my dad's leg is getting serious and there was blood vessels blockage in certain parts of his leg. First they need to 'unblock' it, and then, a small portion of his leg, my need to be amputated. And at this age, to do this operation is a little bit crazy, but what can be said. Was it that comes with his Karma? I do not know, but I only pray that he has the minimal suffering.

Ok for now, it is going to be a busy day for me today, too many things to do as usual.

Choong, Beijing.

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