Sunday, August 22, 2010

Praying For Recovery Of Small Uncle

Just got calls from Ailing saying that seah cheak (small uncle) is not doing very well, and have to go through a small duck or tube insertion into his left lung (good lung), according to my friend is called on lung ventilation, to bypass airflow from to only his remaining lung, which is the left lung, to prevent further air pressure exerted to his heart.

I have asked Ailing to check how with the doctor the status of the 'leakage, how did that happen and what can be done to mend this problem. According to Dr. Kevin, there is a possibility that air leaks through the stump. I hope more findings with the Doctor will take place and how to improve that further. The Dr. doing this operation says Small uncle has only 10% chance which I think sounds horrible. I hope it is not the case...........and Seah cheak has to prove that himself, that he is able to fight this off, with the support of all family members, yours sincerely included.

Choong, Shinagawa

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