Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Today, In SEoul

Hari ini dalam Sejarah... nope, Berita Terkini

I woke up at 6am, Korean time, which means 5am our time, breakfast at 7.15am, checked out at 8.am, coming to our Seoul office around 9am, and then discussion, lunch, continued with discussion, which ended at 3.30am, non-stop, and that was for the FIRST session. And we are explaining and reexplaining the same topic about BSA concept, again and again. And I think Markus is slowly talking like an old man, elaborating and elaborating........non-stop. I am a bit out of patience, actually with this. Who isn't. We are working, also need to perform and achieve new targets set, and despite all these, we still need to make justification on all these jobs to be done. A bit sick, right? I am totally exhausted, physically and mentally. So I makan 'goek pia la, dari Starbucks, kalau tak, lagu pressure. Relaks arh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,tak kisah eeeeerrrrrrrrrrr,

Ok ok, not wanting to complain further. That is part of job or working, or is it not, because sometimes I feel some people do not really care or affected. And must job comes with pressure, otherwise it is not called jobs? Or human beings created this? Hah, I am a bit confused, must be the crazy discussions, and hence ada sikit sikit pening lalat...........:)

Ok for now, ciao.

Choong, Busan

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