Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Team Building Trip To Thousand Islands Lake (4th-6th September 2009)

Last weekend, I was with my team of about 36 people in total in Hangzhou's 千岛湖, which was quite nice, though very tiring for sure. Place and hotel is quite nice, but was extremely hot, because it is located in the Southern part of China, may be about 200KM away from Shanghai city possibly. About 6-7 years ago, I was here for one time, with I think my ex-colleague in Acidchem, Chan, and with our Shanghai agent at that time, but was just a short trip anyway. But this trip, we explored a bit, on some of the islands, for examples, the 'locks island', snakes island, birds island, fish rearing, etc etc. Food was quite nice, of course in a place next to the lake, you could expect a lot of fishes, in fact, every meal, you will have fish. I like the soup they boil it with Tofu, and fish bones, which is very sweet indeed. And the best part is the Kampung chicken, it is superbly done and taste very delicious, just like what my late Aunt, Tua-em cooked, I just love it.
Overall, the team enjoyed it well, I would say it was quite a succesful team building activities, though my team members might not be fully understood the real meaning behind this trip. Of course some do, and some will appreciate, but not for all, this I can be very sure.
But we made the impact, I think and the organisation of the whole activity was overall well run.

Some colleagues were trying to 'kill me off' by asking me to drinking or coming over to my dinner table and give me a toast, to officially thank me, for all sort of reasons. For two nites, they tried to challenge me and wanted to make me drunk. First nite was rather terrible for me, because I was late for dinner and before I could start to eat something, already colleagues came and offer the toast, one after another. My stomach started to bloat already, with the gases and the liquid.
Second nite was better, because everyone offered me some bbq and then the beer part came in later. But 'killing me with beer', haha, thanks to Choong's family's drinking (alcoholic) gene, I am doing perfectly fine. Syukurlahhhhhhhhhhh.

Enjoy the pictures posted here.

Choong, Beijing

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