Friday, September 11, 2009

Incredible China

It gets me crazy again, and I do not know, for the last 2-3 months, I have spent a number of hours in most major airports in China, and also in the plane. So, I do not know what else I can say.
My flight today from Chengdu to Beijing was suppose to be at 5PM, then when I was at the airport, the counter staff told me, the aircraft has not arrived yet. And propose to have my flight changed to 7PM. Then I called my secretary to find out more details, and when I went back, she told me, all seats have been taken up.
And then I asked my secretary to book Sichuan airline for me, at 6.40PM, thinking I could depart on time. Before that, the aircraft will fly from Xian. Then, flight delay. As at now, I have been informed that the flight will only arrive around 7.25PM to Chengdu, then cleaning, then depart, I suppose and PRAY hard (by keeping all my fingers crossed, that it will depart around 8, arriving before 10.30pm. And guess what, another flight operated by Southern Airline, code sharing with Sichuan airline departing at 7.25PM will be leaving on time. Does this make you crazy????????????????????

Ooooooooooooooooo, aku tak tahan. If the airline does not have enough aircraft, then do not promise customers with so many flights. Just cancel it and have the courtesy to inform customers by calling them, which they never do so until now. I have highlighted many times over on the failure of Air China, but I have a question to ask Star Alliance, if one of their members cannot meet the expectation of customers and service level of the industry, will they every fine them? or will they give better recommendation to the team members on how to improve further?
Do they provide some course to the relevant team members to improve further in terms of their service level, for example, to have the courtesy to inform their customers about cancellation of slight and to provide alternative solution. Of course everyone says Chinese market is big, etc etc, but if the service level does not start from now, then when would be the right time to do so?
When will they reach the expected service level? I am just wondering.
I really hope I can see the service level improved as soon as possible.

Frustated Choong in Chengdu airport still.

Choong, Chengdu

1 comment:

Devil said...

Another bad news for frequent travelers. Air China will merge with HK Cathay Pacific Airways. Really feeling sorry for people working in Cathay....