Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Wesak Day

Despite the tiredness from the 3-day continuous meeting,waiting up at 5-6am almost daily, and despite only arriving back home this hour, I still think there is a need to post this article, to wish everyone a Happy Wesak Day. And most important, the day to remember how Buddha has achieved enlightenment.
"Namo tassa bagavato arahato sama sambuddhasa"

May all beings be well
May all beings be happy
May all beings be peaceful
May all being be free from any harm

Happy Wesak Day, and during this day, try to be a vegetarian for a day, try to be environmental friendly, donate to the needy, offer prayers to the deceased, reduce your talking and try to be mindful and try to do good deeds. Of course you can practice or do this everyday, but if you have not done anything of such, try to start this during the holy day... and onwards.....

Ok, time for my sleep, and Happy Wesak Day again. Have a peaceful mind.

Love from Beijing,

1 comment:

Devil said...

Wesak Day is 浴佛節 here.

Although it's not a public holiday ( same as Xmas for the christian and Buka Puasa for the Muslim here)but it's well celebrated by the Buddhist.

Another important news this weekend is that 慈濟 (TzuChi) has officially declared to be a seperate 宗門 (main stream) of Buddism. It levels with all others , for example 禪宗 (Zen Buddhism) or 淨土宗 (Pureland Buddhism)in Mahāyāna (大乘佛教)Buddhism practise.