Friday, December 27, 2013

They Say....Mereka Berkata.....他们说。。。。。

I just saw a program, and the host said, when our parents passed away, the most hurtful and loss we felt, would be that nobody will be able to confirm, will know, will acknowledge the existence of our youth, our growing phase, our childhood, ....and we are lost sometimes, no matter how old we are.
I think this is real, and sometimes, I do feel, I am lost, because I do not have my parents, to say things about my childhood, to tell stories of my growing-up, my school results, my capabilities (always in the eyes of parents we are perfect), and my everything......
We are, forever kids in our hearts, yearning for this kind of attention from our parents, whenever they are............

Bila Ibu bapa kita meninggal dunia, maka tiada lagi sesiapa yang dapat menjadi saksi kepada zaman kanak-kanak kita....

And I do miss my dad, my grandmother......for all these..........

That is life any way, just a kind of my own thoughts after seeing this program......

It is a kind of pain only we really understand, really know and it is kind hard to explain....

Kuala Lumpur
27 December 2013

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