Monday, July 27, 2009

Tibet-Part One


Finally, a chance to share this, but will only discuss more later.
After coming back to Beijing, I flew to Tibet directly, just to find some space for myself, grieve a bit, think a bit, and pray a bit, a little bits of every thing, here and there. Just to think about the meaning of life, esp. after the demise of my dad.

Some photos taken during the trip to Tibet.

Please take note that due the altitude, and thin oxygen level in Lhasa, which is 3000m above sea level on average, you will have some breathing difficulty, headache, just like when you are in a crowded room with no air circulation, but with very good view and scenery. Actually, as soon as you arrived, the best is to rest and have minimal activity. Let your body adapt, and rest first. You can walk very fast either, even if you wanted to. Will share some experience of my visit to Lhasa later, meanwhile, enjoy.

Choong, Beijing.

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