Thursday, March 5, 2009


Snoring is something we cannot help, it is more like a medical problem I suppose. But when this come from people other then your partner (partner, may be you have to accept it, forcibly) and a person not in the same room as you do, it is even worse. I was in this hotel, Hubin hotel, next to Taihu (太湖) in Wuxi, and I thought in this nice location, good scenery, serene environment, and nice hotel room, I will have a very good, uninterrupted sleep. But how wrong was I. In the middle of the nite, may be because I was thirsty, I am not sure, I woke up and heard some noise coming out, some where near my bath room. At first I thought it was a problem with the toilet bowl, may be the flusher itself, and then, in my subconscious state of mind, I was thinking could it be a 'another kind of--- the 3rd kind' which usually I don't really care to think about in most of my trips. But after a while, I start to realise that it came from next room, just the next door, yes, the room-guest in the next room. And he was snoring like 'hell', so loud, it is like the whole building will collapse, and mind you, that was at 2am, I r.e.p.e.a.t, it was 2am. And until I woke up this morning at 5.54am, he was still snoring.
And the funny thing was, when I was about to leave my room (after my shower) to check-out of the hotel, the snoring stopped, totally......Yes, indeed. Imagine this.....
OK, got to go, I am leaving for Kunming. I am hoping to see something nicer (which everybody says so) and expereince something beautiful in Kunming. Will write something on this trip later when I can find the time. Boarding now. Tcuss.

Choong, Wuxi Airport 6 March 2009

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Snoring can be a huge medical problems. It can be described as a disease called "Upper airway obstruction" or event worse as " Sleep Apnea Syndrome" if the disease got worse, in which a person might stop breathing for seconds to minutes during his/her sleep.

However, you can't blame the guy for disturbing your sleep. What type building material was the hotel room been built of? Waking up a guest because of noise from the other room?! You should be concerning about own safety living in such a hotel, rather than worrying about your sleep.... haha!
