Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Leader, Leading A Team

Having been here, in Beijing, leading a team of 36 members is not easy. Being physically tired is one thing, for sure, but mentally, sometimes, it can be tiring. Leading a big team is not easy, and challenging. It is like having a big family with many children. But to lead a team, and making sure all team members having equal attention and having the care and to nurture each of them in terms of guiding each to the right career path and also having the right mindset, proper career growth is not an easy thing. For children, you can at least scold them directly, because you are one of their parents. But with your staff, it is not as simple as that. Those who understood you well, will understand and will accept it fully, and those who are not, will make it more difficult for you. It takes a lot of stamina and courage to face all these, alone.
But at a stage of time, where a number of your team members start to appreciate your efforts and understand you better, and they come back and say thank you to you, in one way or another, or they begin to show improvement and their confidence level increase, their performance improved, you will feel so glad, happy with this sense of achievement for yourself, happy for your colleagues/staff that they they have grown up. This is similar to a teacher, a real committed teacher who constantly wants to impart his/her knowledge to the students, and end of the day, when the students are successful (not only in terms of results, but in other aspects too in general), then the teacher will feel/have a sense of satisfaction and that is the time happiness will come to him/her.

I think I am getting older too, in saying all these:) It is not an easy thing, but I take it in my stride to become a good leader, and to make all my team members achieve what they are capable to, and I trust this take place, if all of them participate whole-heartedly.
May be I am too tired, may be I am too exhausted and I need to express this out here. One of these days, they could have read this, and they will know how much and how high my expectation is, on each of them. And that is also the expectation I have for myself.
Life is after all, a short journey, and I am trying to make full use of it, and I hope all of them realise this.

Choong, Wuxi, 4 March 2009, 11.40PM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Human factor is the most complicated part, regarless it's among family members or colleagues. You can do your best, but sometimes you have to let go those who cannot keep up with the team. You certainly don't want them to spoil the whole scene.

Anyway, do keep on with your effort and nest of luck ..^_^

---- Devil