Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dear Grandma, Dear Pa.........

Dear Grandmother, How are you? It has been a very long time, since I last hear from you, in my dreams. Did you meet my dad, your second son recently, it seems like I have also not heard of him for a long time. What about Ah Mak, is she also with you? Did you meet her? Are you able to eat anything? Did you receive the merits and prayers that we all have been offering? Are you sleeping well? Do you still go back to the place where we used to stay? I think you can't recognise that place anymore, except the main road.... AH Ma, why you didn’t visit me anymore, I miss you…. I hope you are doing well there, or wherever you are, and I hope dad, aunt, big uncle and all are meeting you and seeing you sometime, somewhere. And I hope you have the time to visit me, until the time when we meet up eventually, I do not know when. But while you have the chance and able to, do visit me, as I miss you 。。。。。。 Aku rindu pada mu, my dearest grandma. 爸, 你好么?咱们好像快四年没见面了,你怎样呢? 现在还经常回来“家”看看么?你儿子我,现在也很少回家了,因为您现在也不在那了,回到家,感觉很空虚,每一回看到一些东西让我回忆您还在世时候,让我感觉到很伤心,很酸,很难说出来。我不说了。。。 爸,您现在有经常见到阿嬷么?您的脚还疼么?还喝很多酒么? 有到丽卿那去么? 我们偶而会聊起您呢。。。。。是很想念您呢,特别是初一十五的时候,你会很早起来拜神。。。。。。 您那边生活习惯么?有很多朋友么? 爸,有空,也找点时间在我梦里面出现么,行么? 您好好保重哦。。。。。 再见。。。。。。 我们都还是怀念您。。。。。。

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