Friday, February 19, 2010

Chinese New Year Break

As mentioned, I have a break now for this Chinese New Year. Besides eating, shopping is another thing that is in the action list. But other than that, having some time to do things I have no luxury of time of doing like meeting up with friends, and also chatting with Sister, Nancy, and having some strolling with niece, Natasha and Nephew, Ah Ping was something nice too.

And at the same time, I have the chance to do things like watching movies and I have watched two movies on my own, alone and I enjoyed that.
And another thing was getting a few books, and I managed to already read two of them:

1) As I was Passing-By Adibah Amin
2) Glimpses-Cameos Of Malaysian Life By Adibah Amin
3) Impian Malaysia Yang Tertunda-By Karim Raslan
4) The Element-By Ken Robinson with Lou Aronica
5) What Your Teacher Didn"t tell you-By my favourite author for now, Mr. Farish A. Noor
6) From Majapahit to Putrajaya (reserved this book, hope I can get this by tomorrow)

I hope I will be able to finish reading all these soon, but I doubt it for now.

And guess what, my niece, Natasha is asking for books from my private libarary, books by Dr. M, and this sounds positive, may be my influence is there. She is looking at books again..........haha, might be good for her.

Choong, Kuala Lumpur

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