Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Reading this book now, or I would say, re-read this book, since I have not really fully absorbed the contents in it, and also since I have the time to do so.
And the reason I write this article, is of course has something to do with this topic. For unknown reasons, I have not been getting the very good sleep since like 10 days ago (you see,  I have a lot of time, and I have been sleeping close to 9 hours, so for sure it is lengthy enough but the problem was that, I always woke up in the middle of the nite or say between 3-4PM). Though perhaps during the sleep, I might have reached 2REMs for example, and then woke up, and stay awake for 1-1.5hours, and hence I have wasted one REM, for example, and hence it is affecting the kind of quality sleep I need. Of course, right after that, I have gone back to sleep until 8.30, 9 or 10am, but then that kind of so called interrupted sleep is very much different. And last nite, I have had the chance to sleep until 7.30am this morning without any interruptions...and the feeling is definitely different. Though it is less than 8 hours, but with continuous full sleep, may be like 6REMs possibly, haha I am just guessing , hence it makes a lot of difference. You feel so much energetic and joy. That is for now....
And if you have a chance, do read this book, esp if you have some sleeping problems.


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