Sunday, August 3, 2014

Recent Issues

This year, I think there are so many incidents happening.

First you have the issue on MH 370.
Then you have MH 17.
Then you have the Taiwanese plane issue.
Then you have the Algerian Airline issue.
Next, on the Gaza.
And then you have on the kidnappings in Sabah area.
You also have issue in Xinjiang then the plant explosion in Zhejiang area.
latest, you have on the Kaoshiung gas explosion issue.

As a Buddhist, you only can help to offer prayers and cases where you can offer some form of assistance in the form of donations, then you can try your best to support.
And only wish all that are affected, my prayers are with you all. And to all the deceased, may you all rest in peace....

May you all be happy and peaceful always wherever you are.

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu.


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