Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thanks Devil

Dr. Devil,

Thanks for your comment and sharing of information.
My uncle has since visited a private hospital, Hospital Lam Wah Ee for further biopsy test (as you have mentioned), and will possibly know the results tomorrow afternoon. Keeping my fingers crossed.

At the same time, the Seberang Jaya Hospital, the MO has finally called up the next day after this incident, asking him to collect the referral letter, perhaps she felt guilty about it, perhaps, she didnt know what to do, or how to handle.

I have not spoken as yet to my Uncle, but lets see how it goes. Shall consult you, for further opinions.

Thanks for your suggestion, and just to say thanks here, in my personal blog.....

Kam Siah.

Choong, Kuala Lumpur

1 comment:

Devil said...

You are welcome. Lets pray that everything will be fine ,and your uncle's status is just a false alarm.