Thursday, June 24, 2010

In S'pore Airport

Well, time passes, and now going back to Beijing. Dad's memorial service was done in a proper manner, and according to sister, dad came into her dream on the nite after the memorial service, smiling and telling her, he received what we 'sent' to him, I hope it would be the Dana, which to me is more important.

During the few days in Penang and Kl, manage to read a book by His Holiness, Dalai Lama, on the Englightenment, and I am enlightened by what I read on God, and the meaning of 'God' in helps to answer the question I had posed to myself for many many years prior to this. The more I read on Buddhism, to clearer picture I have, it could possibly led to something later on:)....haha.
Another book I have read is the one I got it from the Buddhist Temple in Tanah Liat, and it is called 'Venerable Ajaan Khao Analayo-A true Spiritual Warrior, shall try to share this with more, after I finished reading it.

At the same time, I read also a book titled "A Malaysian Queer Anthology' by Jerome Kugan/Pang Khee Teik, a very entertaining book, please read this when you have the time and can find this. I like it, I think I got this book title through another blogsite, which I have forgotte for now.

And back to this, and as promised, I will write again, another time, On my da's 1 year passing away, my feeling, my emotion, etc etc later.\

Oh yeah, I hope my Seah chek (small uncle) biopsy test result will be negative and he will be fine. ANd I hope he will remain, always positive, that is very important.

And I just talked to my best friend since secondary school days, Cheesoon, that he will be coming to Beijing soon with his wife and eldest son. Hooray.... finally he made it to Beijing.

Ok for now, will do some other reading for now, and tomorrow, will be in office, and expect to be a tough day. Then trip to Shanghai, then to S'pore, then to Tokyo, then back to Beijing.

Note : Leaving the 'home' and missing my late father is not something easy, but reading books on Buddhism during these few days helps a lot.

S'pore airport, T3

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