Monday, June 22, 2009

New Bag-Japanese Brand-IKETEI Japan

Hi guys, how does this bag look like? After searching for quite a number of days, finally I got what I want, though it does not come cheap, but a 100% Japanese made and designed, two criteria that I was looking for.
Anyway, using it already.
Oh yeah, in my earlier mail, I was mentioning about bags in Daimaru Tokyo, and when I was trying to search for it in Daimaru Osaka, I could not find it. Generally, I prefer the Tokyo outlet, more organised, more stylish and as Malaysian said, got 'class' a bit.

Choong, Beijing

1 comment:

Devil said...

Look nice ! However, it appears a bit large. Anyway, as long as you're feeling good when using something, that's the right choice la!