I am not sure why it is being made into a big news, a big hoohhaah about out Tulisan Jawi. It is and has been part of our National language, just that it is written in another form, another kind of letters, instead of a, b, c. d....
When I was in my primary school, we also learned this, Tulisan Jawi, and it was thought by our school Ustaz, and I love this lesson a lot but sorry to say that, due to lack of practice and we seldom or almost never have the chance to use it, I lost the comprehension and ability to read it totally, but I believe it is not hard to catch up, if there are classes being offered to us again, may be for example in the form of nite classes.
I think it has been taken out of context, first thing is, our MOE has to explain well why we want to implement this, with what objectives in mind? You cannot simply say you want students to learn this from std 4 onwards...and secondly, why would you want to call this as seni khat, it gives a wrong impression that this is a kind of art class. Tulisan Jawi or Bahasa Jawi, is just a language, just like when you learn Mandarin, you need to learn the hanyupinyin and also the Chinese characters, same also goes to Japanese, besides Kanji(Chinese characters), you need to also learn Hiragana and Katagana. If you are able to accept these, then why not Jawi, I cannot understand why people are protesting and making a big issue out of this. And next, they bring out topics like recognition of UEC, or can learning of Jawi makes you a scientist, or allow you to secure a better job? Hello, this is our national language, and if you identify yourselves as Malaysians, then don't you think we should be able to use it fluently without a problem. I think because of this mindset, and only thinking on the "ROI" of learning and acquiring our national language, we see a lot of Malaysians (non-Malays especially) unable to converse well in our Bahasa. This attitude has to change, the sooner it is, the better it will be for us all.
Remember, BAHASA ITU BANGSA and here Bahasa refers to our National Language, our Bahasa Malaysia (both Rumi and Jawi) and Bangsa here refers to us being Malaysians.
Remember, BAHASA ITU BANGSA and here Bahasa refers to our National Language, our Bahasa Malaysia (both Rumi and Jawi) and Bangsa here refers to us being Malaysians.
3 August 2019
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