Tuesday, November 14, 2017

peach kuih 桃粿

Tried for the first time making this kuih today, results quite acceptable, but appearance not quite good, as I trust I have over-steamed them, and the wok temperature is too high. Shall take note on this part.

The "Skin"-Ingredients:

1) Rice flour-125g
2) Tapioca flour-75g
3) Oil-22g
4) Water-375g- Boiling temperature and then add to the flour mixture (a mixture of item 1 and item 2).
    Then add in oil, and knead it a bit and let it cool down completely before kneading another round.
5) For the blue color, I use Butteflypea flower.

1) Yam
2) Dried prawns
3) Pickle
4) Chinese celery
5) Shallots
6) Salt
7) Fish sauce
8) Dried Mushroom
9) Pepper

Here, the quantity depends on your personal preference and as I like Yam a lot more, I put in more together with Chinese celery and mushroom. 

Make sure that when you steam, the flame has to be in the medium range and do not steam more than 10 mins, otherwise, the appearance will look a bit soggy..

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