Monday, December 7, 2015

Deepest and Sincerest Condolence to my old Friend, ex-Unimate, Mr. Hon Cheng Teng

When I first heard of the news, I am shock.
Memories ran while, to the time we used to be together, most of the times, 3 of us, and we talk a lot of funny things, gossips, cold jokes.....
that beautiful memories will always stay deep inside me....
And we managed to exchange a few wordings sometime back but not much, and that would be somehow our final few words communicated.....
From this, I know and understood the message, life is just short, and can be as short as you can't imagine off.... and treasure whatever that comes along, cherish the moments, stay joyful final moment comes....

And my prayers for you, Cheng Teng....
May you be happy always, in another life....

Soon Heng

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