Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Persistency (Points to Ponder)

It is interesting that today, I happen to see an article in Chinese that says (loosely translated)....

In the process to be successful, there is no need to rush.......because:

1) Those who only talk but do nothing, will perish....
2) Those who only celebrate throughout the year, will perish....
3) When the weather is too hot, some will perish....
4) When the weather is too cold, some will perish.....
5) Attacked and affected by relatives, some will perish....
6) Being laughed and belittled  by friends, some will perish.....
7) Self inflicted problems, some will perish.....
8) Do not go for self-improvement classes, some will perish.....
9) Never change, some will perish.....
10) Self-thought already successful, also some will perish

Those remaining ones will be the winners, and there is no need to be rushing in the quest for success, as the number of people being persistent throughout, there aren't that many.....

I think it is quite an interesting write-up.

* perish here means more like disappear, or lost in the battle......


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