Saturday, September 29, 2012

bicara kosong............

I am not sure what is wrong with the air traffic control in Beijing, it seems on average, there is one out of 2 flights, the flight is being delayed, and average delay can range from 1-3 hours. This morning, sky clear, sunny, and windy for sure, and my flight out from Beijing to Warsaw again is delayed for 1 hour, which to me is also very lucky and not a delayed anymore. Yesterday, coming back from Tokyo, I am suppose to land at Beijing around 4.30PM, in the end, I reached BJ around 7PM. I was supposed to have telco with a head hunter, in the end, it has to be postponed, hehe. But oh yes, I am not complaining. It is part and parcel of life, here, have to accept it. But there was some thunderstorm at Beijing airport, 2-4PM, as I heard, and when I look out to the skyline around Beijing airport, it is like small little UFOs, all encircling the airport, waiting to land, Even when I was already out of the airport, and looking up to the skyline again, I saw still many flights waiting to land, and I asked my driver, Mr. Geng to take a look himself. I said, I was a bit worried, as there are simply too many flights surrounding the one I am in, like a kind of traffic congestion on the road, you just don t feel that comfortable. Talking about flight, I have been using flight for many years, and this one, this time, I think I saw this lady, which I believe is a Japanese to be very peculiar in her behavior. She wears those plastic transparent gloves, you know, normally those you use at restaurant where crabs are served. That is on the starter, haha. She then wrap or put all her hand carry bags inside, again a plastic bad, and use news paper to cover it. She put in on the sit in-between us, as the seat was empty. Then, she asked for two blankets, and I was wondering why, and may be like me, you would think she needs two blanket to keep herself warm, but no, it was not. She use it to cover the seat until the head rest area, meaning to say for the whole chair. Ok, that is not the end yet baby. Then she takes her gloves out, massage her hand, you know, like clapping, massaging, “beating, those sound is very annoying. Then, she use alcohol to sanitize her hands, then wearing the gloves again. Then when meal is served, she again took out the gloves, and use the wet issue (the one I think with lots f alcohol, may be for a nurse to use, it smells a lot of alcohol. OK, if you think that is the end of the story, no, it is not. She ten take out a “kouzhou, (mask) but not a normal one. This one, she put in the filter, I am not sure with alcohol, but I believe with something to sterilize the air she breathed in. And 1 hour before arrival, she starts wearing make up, wearing mascara, etc. and then she starts clapping her hands, massaging her hand. Oh yes, the cup of water she has, is always covered with another plastic cup, I guess to prevent the air in the aero plane to go inside, in order, I guess not to contaminate with it. If you think this is a fiction, I can tell you , it is not. Zhenren, zhenshi (like kisah benar le tu), I saw it, hear it with my own eyes and ears……Believe me, please and the 3 and half hours journey, I am suffocating. Beh tahan liao. Oh this lady, again, fyi, wears a scarf (you those who looks like the maid in my fair lady….but instead of white, it is green color). Imagine yeah. But I know it is her right, to take care of hygine and everything, it is her rights, it is her pleasure or may be she has had some major health issue that she needs to be extremely careful with airborne bacteria or viruses, but then, anyway, not for me to make any judgment here,. I just feel that she has overly done a bit, that’s all. Choong 28September 2012 Warsaw 2012

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