Sunday, January 30, 2011

Two movies

Dear Friends,

I think it will be good if you have the chance to watch these two Chinese movies (Chinese movies are going very well, and I think their story write-up and filming techniques have improved a lot and very much.

The first one is 非诚勿扰2, part 1 was recommended by me, two years ago.
I think this movie touches on something you have not seen before, in terms of content:
1) Celebrating divorce.....what a world
2) Preparing death and eulogy, before the person is dead....haha, really nice. Not sure if I have the chance to do this, but I guess it is nice, finale gathering in this world before one passes away
3) The Poem read out at the eulogy, written by a Monk/Lamma, very beautifully written.
I do not have the time to find the content now, but look for it
4) the scene, where Geyou was proposing to Shuqi, asking if he will still love and able to love when he is already too old.......
5) Short intro, from Youtube for your reference:

6) The end scene song, lyrics are also very meaningful, 最好不相见。

It goes something like this,

The second movie is 让子弹飞,the script, the content, listen carefully, it is very challenging and exciting. You must listen very carefully what they said in the movies, only then you will enjoy it. And it is already a box office for a Chinese Movie, in China at least.

Happy watching.

Shangrila, BKK.

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