Monday, September 13, 2010

Hangzhou-Last Week

Hi, sorry for not writing much because first thing was that I was too busy, rushing around, second was that, I am not in the mood to write, because of the food poisoning issue, and 3rdly, I am still do not feel so good after coming back from Malaysia. Will write more, as soon as I am back to the track.
I just want to share my trip to sign an agreement to work with a partner in Hangzhou, and there, they welcome me, in Mandarin, and for the first time, my Chinese name is used in full, in China, to welcome me, as an important guest. Haha, I remember, in the past, working in Acidchem, we always welcome important guest, by putting up their company's and visitors' details. And now, it is my turn, being welcomed. That feeling, haha, nice, but deep inside, hard to describe. When things you imagine before, happening in front of your eyes, sometimes, you might not believe it..........though you should and it is a reality... Here you are:

Choong, Busan

1 comment:

Devil said...

So I assume it won't be far from the day when you'll be welcome by red carpet and lion dancing... haha!