Friday, July 23, 2010

Dear Dear Dear, Oh Dear

Oh Gosh, I am just back to office and I miss my blogging activity so much. When I don't write, mostly because I am in the country and busy and not in the office usually, as I can't have any access to in China except through my company server. Or I have to wait when I go out of China for my blogging.
May be I should consider moving my blog to local server here in China, so that more people can read what I write here:).

Last 3 days were horrible for me, as I was in Helanshan for signing a big contract which will give our EBIT a big boost this year, and I have to almost drink close 4-5 bottles of red wine, and may be 1-2 bottle of beer. I think beer mixing with wine is the worse, as the gaseous from the beer makes your stomach really feeling very uncomfortable. The negative point was, I was almost collapsing, and vomited a few times, as the impact was very bad, and I think the cold beer make my stomach worse. Yesterday, luckily I was back to my nest in Beijing, and now recuperating. And positive part is, we secured the contract.
I wrote a sms each to my friend in Taipei, Devil, and a local friend here, Tony.
Both asked me to take care, for sure I will do. But one point was that, at that point of time, I was thinking, why should I still need to subject myself to this, after working in Sales for close to 18 years. I thought at my present position, I need not too. But after discussing this and considering it, I think it is because of my professionalism that I do that. Besides taking cheers from the customers (7 of them), I also helped my colleague who could not drink that much (may be it is 义气,code of brotherhood).
But then I was asking myself, how good it is, if we do not have alcohol at all, but then again, this is also an important disinfectant. I just wish alcohol is not needed in any business dinners. I just hate it.........

Choong, Beijing

1 comment:

Devil said...

Unfortunately, this is the most common way of doing business in the oriental countries. Human factor is more important than any other offer or competing price.

I can still recall the days when I was a junior in my department. We would have to finish drinking all the wine(white and red),vodka,whiskey that our seniors have collected for one whole year ( many of them were gifts from patients) at the annual party. We all collapsed ,eventually, and the head of department would provide beds in the hospital ward for us to sleep that night.