Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Semoga Pak A. Samad Said Selamat Sejahtera

One of my favorite Author of all times, Encik A. Samad Said. And I took an copy from his website on his poem which was beautifully written. If you understand Bahasa, this will be good for your understanding. Too long to be translated into English.

Original version can be accessed here:

Murbawan Malaysia tidak senang dengan apa yang sedang berlaku di negara ini. Kita menghantar pesanan yang sangat waras. Demokrasi perlu murni dan terus dimurnikan.

Kenapa kita tidak boleh memperbaik situasi? Kenapa kita harus membiarkan demokrasi diperkuda oleh segelintir kuasawan yang tampaknya bermaharajalela?
Telah lama kita tidak senang dengan aliran demokrasi yang diperkuda ini. Telah lama kita inginkan demokrasi yang bersih, bergerak atas landas yang murni.

Kita sedar bahawa jalan ini tidaklah mudah. Maka itu, kita menjadi lebih berazam. Kita maklum bahawa gergasi media arus perdana kini sedang ikut garang menghempit kita dalam arus peristiwa yang semakin durjana. Kita sedang berlawan dengan keangkuhan yang pejal. Oleh media arus perdana ini, kita sewenangnya digambarkan sebagai kumpulan “siasah” yang sangat bercita-cita buruk. Lebih buruk, kita digambarkan sebagai kelompok yang sengaja ingin menggelorakan masyarakat seburuk hajat.

Kita tidak begitu. Kita ingin memperbaiki jentera demokrasi agar lebih berhati nurani.
Kita tidak menginginkan demokrasi yang kasar dan sombong; kita merindukan demokrasi yang tulus dan betul.

Inilah gerakan kita yang, sayangnya, terpaksa bermula di tengah keangkuhan kerajaan yang merasa segala-galanya sudah betul, malah sudah syurgawi, di tanah air ini. Kita sebenarnya masih dalam derita yang terus dicipta oleh tangan kasar berhati angkuh yang sangat bercita-cita.

Kita merindukan suara kuasa yang waras dan insani; suara pembimbing yang ikhlas dan mengerti. Kita tidak memerlukan suara angkuh dalam era yang sudah terlalu lama sombong ini. Kita mengharapkan tangan kuasa yang berhemah, sedia memimpin dan berdamai, turut bantu mencipta iklim demokrasi yang harum.

Memanglah kita mengkhayalkan dunia indah itu, walaupun kenyataan yang terserlah dan mengembang kini sedang menunjukkan di atas kepala kita sentiasa sedia terapung awan kelam yang menjanjikan tofan.

Jikalau berlaku, kita bukanlah kelompok manusia yang gamam berlari; kita, sebaliknya, adalah manusia yang cekal berdiri. Kita ingin memupuk demokrasi yang lebih berhati nurani.

Dua ratus tahun dulu seorang tokoh kecil Sam Adams, dengan kelompoknya yang kecil juga, telah mencurahkan teh ke dalam laut di pelabuhan Boston, Amerika. Kata Sam Adams: “It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set bushfires in people’s minds.”

Kita nyalakan unggun api itu pada malam ini!”

(Perhatian: Kerana dibataskan masa hanya seminit seorang, maka saya yang mewakili GMP, hanya sempat membacakan dua perenggan terakhir teks ucapan ini.—A. SAMAD SAID).

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Song From ZhangHuiMei

Please listen to this song, 我最情爱的

张惠妹 - 我最亲爱的
很想知道你近况 我听人说 还不如你对我讲
经过那段遗憾 请你放心 我变得更加坚强
世界不管怎样荒凉 爱过你就不怕孤单
我最亲爱的 你过的怎麼样
没我的日子 你别来无恙
依然亲爱的 我没让你失望
让我亲一亲 像过去一样
我想你一定喜欢 现在的我
想起你的模样 有什麼错 还不能够被原谅
世界不管怎样荒凉 爱过你就不怕孤单
我最亲爱的 你过的怎麼样
没我的日子 你别来无恙
依然亲爱的 我没让你失望
让我亲一亲 像朋友一样
虽然离开了你的时间 一起还漫长 我们总能补偿
因为中间空白的时光 如果还能分享 也是一种浪漫
关系虽然不再一样 关心却怎么能说断就断
我最亲爱的 你过的怎麼样
没我的日子 你别来无恙
依然亲爱的 我没让你失望
让我亲一亲 像亲人一样
我最亲爱的 你过的怎麼样
没我的日子 你别来无恙
依然亲爱的 我没让你失望
让我亲一亲 像过去一样

试听一听新歌推荐的我最亲爱的 - 张惠妹

Happy listening, a good song.


Photos Of Myself That I l Like


Monday, June 27, 2011

Guess Where This Church Is?


Hotels, Busan and General

I am now in Busan, to be precise at Haeyundae beach, in a hotel which I would like to stay in one of these days (that’s what I told myself like 8-10 years ago, when I first visited Busan. And now, I am staying in this hotel, feels amazing.
The other hotel that I wanted to stay in was Westin and I stayed there 3 years ago.
Coincidentally, there was another hotel that I wanted to stay like 10 years ago, and I stayed in there about 6 years ago. Things do happen for a reason, don’t they, or what you wish for (positive things), you will get you, don’t you? Sometimes, I feel amazed by this actually.
And I am thankful, though for sure, there is a price to pay for everything……….haha.

And talking about Busan, yesterday, when we arrived, it was after typhoon, and the air was very clean, as my German colleague says, when you breathe the air in, if almost like cleanse all the dirt from your system, and it makes you feel so relaxed, and suddenly your lungs is like opening up in total sense. Superb feeling.
Some pictures of this place to share and you decide if it is a nice place…..

Paradise Hotel
Haeyundae Beach
Busan, South Korea

Thursday, June 23, 2011

While I was In S'pore

A Welcoming card for me from The CAndyboy

The best nasi Lemak

While I was in S'pore 3 weeks ago, my best friend youngest Son, nickname the candy boy has hand-drawn a welcoming card for me, to his house. I it was not possible to post it earlier, now, I found the opportunity to do so. Anyway, I was touched by this for sure. And talking about hand-drawn card, I have another one from my niece that I have yet to published, that was for my Birthday:).

And the Nasi Lemak, according to Chee soon, was one of the best, I think somewhere the foodcourt was called Adam's. Anyway, the rice, as Cheesoon has mentioned was delicious.

Marriot, Busan

Malaysian Airlines (MAS)

Mesti Ada Sebab-sebab(Must be having reasons...)

Sister, Nancy and niece, Natasha were here. They flew directly from KL to Beijing. And when they booked, I have my doubts about MAS. You see, I have been in Beijing for 3.5 years, and never once I flew with MAS, simple because I never trusted MAS, esp. with their economical class service. Putting service aside, I never trusted their punctuality,.............that is an important service.
And I was proven to be true. Sister was suppose to flew off from KL at 9am, but they left only around 11am, and I have to rescheduled my company twice for airport due to this change. But that was not the worse case. The worst was that, yesterday, they were suppose to fly back with ETA at 9am. So, woke up at 5am, showered, waiting for my company driver around 6am (they were excited to leave) and then, left from my place at 6,30am, reached airport (T2, Beijing) around 7,15am, and I got message from Natasha that flight time were delayed until 4pm. And they were sent to a hotel in Lido, Beijing.
WHy was there no information from MAS via phone (like sms or email or even calling up to inform them in advance? I am sure they knew about this, right). And at 2pm I called sis, and she said, they will leave around 4pm from hotel. And they finally flew off around 6.30pm, reaching KL around 12.05am. Wonderful feeling, isn't?
So, would you want to fly with MAS? Not for me. 6-7 years ago, when i was based in KL, MAS was frequently used, but it was perfectly fine still, though the service in economical class was not that good, business class was superb, I simply miss the Satay sauce.....warm and delicious.
Most of the time, SIA is my favorite, even though I need to connect via S'pore, there has never been any flight delay, never even once, and they arrive on time, even if there was a slight delay of departure time (caused by air traffic control in beijing). The next one I prefer to use is Thai Airways, out of also convenience. Cathay pacific would be the next one. MAS, not unless they improve on their punctuality and other problems they have for now.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

In The Memory Of The Late, Mr. Choong Foh Onn

Well, today, we went to this Siamese temple in Tanah Liat, offering prayers to dad (the late) to mark his second year of passing away. May the Dana prayers we offered will help to enlighten you further, dad, and may Buddha guides you well.
Thanks to, first of all, Nancy for cooking all those stuffs, Ping Arh Ping for driving her mom around, Mary for helping to get some stuffs, and in kind attendance, by 4th uncle (and cakes and bak chang by 4th Aunty), small aunty and Ailing, for coming and helping to bring along the flowers which I almost missed out, tuoko Lim, and Ah Long, who is always present, and also Ah Yong, the god-Grandson, :).
I was jokingly talking with Nancy about our dad, and how we missed him, and how sister was saying that, I look like him when I was sitting, in that laid-back posture. It is amazing that dad had left us, for 2 years exactly on the dot. Time passes, and both Sister and myself have been 'orphaned' closed to two years by now. Life goes on yeah, and I am just pondering of the purpose of lives........of our living, there are many questions marks left unanswered and there are many things for sure to look forward to.

And dad, for sure, we miss you, and whereever you are now, we wish you peaceful and happiness. And for us in this place called the 'world', we do miss you, and we will continue to pray for 'your' well-being.

Sincerely, and from your beloved,
Son, SH and Daughter, Nancy.
S'pore Airport, 11 June 2011.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Jogjakarta, Borobudur (Indonesia)

I was there with my best friend, since high school, and I can say it was a very nice trip and nice break for me (though now, it is again back to office work, and solving problems again and again).

But I like it there. Although, economically it is ot well develop, it is a nice place, and very comfortable. People are very nice and very polite.
There are a lot of things to write here, but not possibe to write now, because of time factor. But anyway, it was a good visit, to Candi Borobudur, a must go place.
