Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hi From Munich

Oh dear dear, I did not write for too long, not that I did not want to, but simply, I cannot use it, not in the company anymore, as the firewall has blocked my accessibility, hence, I hv to find ways, may be I need to change my blogsite, from Google based to others. It is not possible to use this in China for now, I simply do not know why and I have many many things to write and update.

I was in Belgium from last Saturday, Sunday was at this place called Brugge, please try to google this, and you will know what I meant. I was so nice a place itself, and oh yes, it is under world heritage, Unesco. Very fortunate to be able to visit this beautiful place.
It is autumn here and weather is cold BUT NICE, and having the chance to wear those winter clothings is also a nice change.

I got something nice for myself, hence hope to share it in The Glamorous Jerry but currently I can't cause I am using the airport laptop. Hope I can do it when I am at USA next week.

Guess what, a real surprise for us. There was an airport strike at Brussels airport and I hope it is fine now. SO, instead of flying from there, I need to wake up very early, travel by taxi for 4 hours to Dusseldorf and flew to Munich and now waiting at >Munich airport, waiting for my flight to Beijing tonite, arriving tomorrow. Then two days at Beijing, then flying again to San Francisco to meet Joyce, Kate and James, haha.

Choong, Munich airport

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Updating My Blog

Sorry, too busy for the last whole week, meetings and meetings, and reach hotel almost 10PM every evening, no time to write and update my blogsite.

Choong, Busan

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hangzhou-Last Week

Hi, sorry for not writing much because first thing was that I was too busy, rushing around, second was that, I am not in the mood to write, because of the food poisoning issue, and 3rdly, I am still do not feel so good after coming back from Malaysia. Will write more, as soon as I am back to the track.
I just want to share my trip to sign an agreement to work with a partner in Hangzhou, and there, they welcome me, in Mandarin, and for the first time, my Chinese name is used in full, in China, to welcome me, as an important guest. Haha, I remember, in the past, working in Acidchem, we always welcome important guest, by putting up their company's and visitors' details. And now, it is my turn, being welcomed. That feeling, haha, nice, but deep inside, hard to describe. When things you imagine before, happening in front of your eyes, sometimes, you might not believe it..........though you should and it is a reality... Here you are:

Choong, Busan

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Am Feeling A Little Bit Much Better Now

Continue taking my medicine-chinese herbs and feeling slightly better. Now on second course and have to bring it along with me on tomorrow onwards, as I will be away on business trips then.

Hopefully, this weekend, i would feel like the original Choong as I am, and may be much livelier.

Choong, Beijing

Monday, September 6, 2010

Standard Of English Language In Malaysia

I have said this a few times, and many articles have been written. Please follow this link, and listen to how a lawyer (of many years experience) communicate, question, ask, answer, and express himself in English. It is a pity right, even a lawyer cannot speak a proper English, not to mention Queen's English.
Please check it out, and invest time and money in your Children's education, be it English, Chinese or our national language.

Choong, Beijing

Being Sick in China

I had some food poisoning, the first so serious one, for the last whole week, and vomited at least times, almost not a single particle left in my stomach, and as a consequences of that, my stomach muscle was hurt (I suppose, after consulting Dr. Kevin), and as a result of that, I was having a lot of cramping pains, that is almost unbearable esp. during my sleeping time. You almost automatically woke up yourself, every 30 mins or so, and the pain is so unbearable, that you almost felt sometimes, hell is close by, or how you wish that is your final breath......and sweating heavily everytime this excruciating pain is killing you silently.
At first I thought my gastric pain came back, and was wondering or not, to visit a doctor, but hesitated, because western medication does not help in handling gastric pain. Only Chinese herbs do, from my past experience. I was cured many years back with this chinese medicine from my gastritis. Hence, I ruled this out. But after self observing for sometime, I think it is not due to Gastritis, it should be something else, and if I had called Dr. Kevin earlier, may be if helps me better.
But anyway, I have learned this lesson, the hard way.
And the funny thing is, the two medicine recommended by Dr. Kevin is not easily available from the normal pharmacies, both spasmonal and buscopan, which sometimes, make me feel very annoyed. A big country like this, but basic medication is not easily available for the patients.
And as an alternative, I have seen a local chinese taifu, chinese physician. Consultation fees is RMB 30, and medication cost around RM 203. Does it come cheap? You to judge.

Choong, Beijing